Waterless vs. Low Flushing
For general Pros and Cons for Waterless Urinals, please click here.
Waterless |
Pros | Cons |
Low-Flushing |
Pros | Cons |
For the vast majority of washroom environments, waterless and low flushing regimes perform well in terms of odour prevention and blockage reduction. Many large Gentworks customers choose 'low flushing' because of concerns that the required dosing regime for waterless operation would be difficult to adhere to. However, where dosing is performed correctly and to schedule, waterless urinals are exceptionally reliable as they are unaffected by any problems with water supply, for example due to the failure of a flush controller, cistern autosiphon or a blockage in the sparge pipes. Gentworks always recommends conversion to waterless for sites where the dosing regime can be adhered to.